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Revisiting A Possible Brock Osweiler Extension

The recent talk about whether or not the Broncos really tried to trade Peyton Manning probably raised more attention than warranted. Nonetheless, it does provide yet another reminder that the odds are good that this could be the last year that Manning suits up in orange.  But the more pressing question is whether or not that will be the same for Brock Oswelier. Remember, it’s Osweiler, not Manning, that’s the quarterback on the roster entering a contract year. If you’re a former IAOFM reader, you may recall that Bob and I had some thoughts on how to extend Osweiler. I think this subject could use a little more detail in a full article.Read more...

Who Holds The Worst Contract For The Broncos?

In 2013 and 2014, Jason Fitzgerald did a series on the best and worst contracts for each NFL team.  This year, he's decided to go by position instead of team.  Therefore, I'll pose the question for the Broncos over here. It shouldn't have taken you more than a millisecond to figure out the team's best contract.  So how about the worst contract?  Jason argued last year that it was DeMarcus Ware.  I noted my disagreement in the comments.  I think the truth on Ware is probably ended up somewhere in the middle.  Regardless, I still strongly believe the Britton Colquitt holds the worst contract.  It's never a good sign to have the highest-paid punter in the league, but it's even more egregious when you play at altitude and have one of the league's best offenses. Is there anyone else that should get at least a nomination?  I suspect Ryan Clady will be mentioned, depending on how you feel about injuries affecting contract value.Read more...

2016 Compensatory Draft Pick Update for the Broncos

I wrote a more general article about this at OTC, since that now we’re past the crucial date of May 12 (the artist formerly known as June 1). This means that there will be no more players added to the compensatory formula for 2016 (there will only be subtractions from here on out). I thought I’d give a Broncos-specific forecast here. If you’re not interested in the gritty details beyond the fold, the short answer is that the Broncos are likely to only get three comp picks in 2016 instead of four—but those three are also likely to be of much better value (a 3rd/4th, 4th, and 6th) than the 4th and the three consecutive late 7ths they had in 2015.

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